Visual and Acoustic Surveillance and Monitoring - Publications
University of Maryland
- S. Fejes and L.S. Davis. Detection of
independent motion using directional motion estimation. (Abstract)
Technical Report. CAR-TR-866, CS-TR 3815. Univerity of Maryland . August
1997. (10MB)
- S. Fejes and L.S. Davis. Direction-selective
filters for egomotion estimatione. (Abstract)
Technical Report. CAR-TR-865, CS-TR 3814. Univerity of Maryland . July
1997. (2.5 MB)
- S. Fejes and L.S. Davis. What can projections
of flow fields tell us about the visual motion. To appear in the Proceedings
of the ICCV, Bombay, India, 1998.
- S. Fejes and L.S. Davis. Exploring visual motion
using projections of flow fields. In the Proceedings of the DARPA Image
Understanding Workshop, New Orleans, LA, 1997.
- I. Haritaoglu, D. Harwood and L. Davis, W4 - Real
time detection and tracking of people and their parts. Submitted to FGR 98.